Make-up Art Cosmetics, or M.A.C for short, was created in 1985 by Frank Toskan and Frank Angelo in Toronto, Canada. At that time Frank Toskan was a hair stylist, make-up artist, and photographer. Frank Angelo was the owner and president of a successful national chain of hair salons. As a photographer, Frank Toskan was dissatisfied with the cosmetics available in the market. He began to formulate his own cosmetic products to fill the void he saw in the cosmetics industry.

Make-up artists and their clients loved the products and began asking for and using the cosmetic Frank formulated. Frank Toskan and Frank Angelo successfully identified a need which was not met by other cosmetic lines. " We believe our image is a result of our business philosophies, product quality, informative service, visuals, and most importantly, our talented staff." Frank Toskan.

Above : Frank Toskan

Below : Frank Angelo


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